


Program Name: Bachelor of Design and Technology with Education
School: School of Education
Course Duration: 48 months / 4 Years (8 Semesters)
Tution fee K64,000.00 (K8,000.00 per semester) - E-learning / Distance Edu.
Exam fee K200.00 (Per Semester)
Registration Fee K500.00 (Per Semester)
Enrollment Dates now enrolling
Program Requirements Grade 12 Certificate with atleast 5 credits

Program Description

This course allow students to demonstrate the depth of their understanding and scope of their skills to enhance and support design activity. It continues design activity as the central core of the programme and is supported by all of the Curriculum and Pedagogy courses proceeding in it. It particularly progresses learning from Design Principles and Practice, Manufacturing Principles and Practice. Students will engage in authentic design activity, focused within a contemporary, topical or controversial context and explored in concurrently from a different perspective and purpose Design and Technology Education in Context. 1. Creative and appropriate solutions for developing / poor nations. 2. Citizenship issues for technological activities. 3. Technology and design for sustainability. 4. Supporting efficient and appropriate energy sources 5. Emerging technologies and innovative materials 6. Supporting inclusion in society through design solutions 7. Solving emerging issues through technology, design and engineering

Program Outline (0 Points)

YEAR Semester Course Outline
YEAR 1 1
Advanced Chemistry
Advanced Physics
Engineering Drawing 1
Higher Mathematics 1
Interactive Web Development
YEAR Semester Course Outline
YEAR 1 2
Management Information Systems 1
Business Communication/Communication Skills
Educational Administrative Policy Studies
Engineering Drawing 2
Mechanics of Materials
YEAR Semester Course Outline
YEAR 2 3
E-Learning and Digital Culture
Design Projects I
Electrical Machines I
Sociology of Education
Workshop Technology/Metal Fabrication
YEAR Semester Course Outline
YEAR 2 4
Product Design 1
Psychology of Education
Construction Technology and Building Services I
Design Projects II
Fluid Mechanics (hydraulics and pneumatics)
YEAR Semester Course Outline
YEAR 3 5
Metal based Materials and Processes I
Plastic Based Materials and Processes 1
Product Design II and Production Engineering
Design Projects III
Wood Based Materials and Processes I
YEAR Semester Course Outline
YEAR 3 6
Basic Electronics 1
Design Projects IV
Metal based Materials and Processes II
Wood Based Materials and Processes II
Plastic based Materials and Processes II
YEAR Semester Course Outline
YEAR 4 7
Applied Material Technology (Metal)
Teaching/Lecture Experience
Applied Material Technology (Wood)
Applied Material Technology (Plastics and Other)
Basic Electronics 2
Final Year Project
Research Methodology
YEAR Semester Course Outline
YEAR 4 8
Maintenance and Engineering services
Management of Industrial Environment and Industrial safety
Curriculum Development
Teaching Methodology